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Water Planning

Water Planning

State Water Plan

Key Shortcomings

Planning Timeline

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Key Shortcomings of the State Water Plan

Lack of Water Conservation
  • The Plan largely neglects pro-active water conservation as a means to reduce future demands on our water resources. Much of our water use now is wasteful; we can't afford to continue down that path.
Too Little Water for Fish & Wildlife
  • The Plan largely fails to address water for fish and wildlife, which are integral to our Texas heritage and economy.
  • The Plan ignores the fact that many rivers and streams could stop flowing if all water withdrawals were exercised.
  • The Plan fails to guarantee freshwater inflows to sustain the productivity of our bays and estuaries.
Inflated Demands
  • For many cities, the Plan calculates future water demand using outdated methods. Some cities are already using water more efficiently now than the plan says they'll do in 30 years.
  • The Plan offers no realistic strategy for reducing water demands during a drought. Instead it assumes that peak human demands, like lawn watering, must be met during the worst drought, even if no water is left for fish and wildlife.
Unsustainable Resource Management
  • The Plan allows for the eventual depletion of many large aquifers in the State.
  • The Plan includes projects that would reduce spring flows, which provide summer flows to many rivers and streams. Loss of spring flows could threaten wetlands and wildlife.
Incomplete Economic Analysis
  • The Plan doesn't rank projects across the state to see which ones make the most sense.
  • The Plan doesn't even consider whether project costs exceed their benefits.

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Take a look at the State Water Plan on the TWDB State Water Plan website.
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