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Water Planning

Region M

Region M
   Action Items

Water Planning

State Water Plan

Key Shortcomings

Planning Timeline

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Region M - Rio Grande

Action Items
Here are some of the items the Region M Planning Group must address.

Conservation and Drought Management
For conservation and drought management, the plan needs to...
  • Continue to recommend both municipal and agricultural water conservation measures.
  • Develop a Drought Management Plan for the region. The regional plan currently relies on the operation of the Amistad-Falcon Reservoir system to provide the means for initiating drought response measures.
Environmental Flows
To secure the protection of flows for fish and wildlife, the plan needs to...
  • Evaluate alternative water supply strategies for effects on instream flows and inflow to the mouth of the Rio Grande and the Arroyo Colorado. This is especially important with regard to the Brownsville Weir. In addition, the plan must discuss how instream flows are affected by current projects and existing water permits.
  • Discuss the amount of water needed to fulfill environmental water demands in the Rio Grande and tributary streams, and the coastal waters. Based on such discussions, the plan needs to account for these demands in their planning efforts.
  • Designate stream segments in the region that meet the criteria as having "unique ecological value". No segments were designated in the 2001 regional plan. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department recommends 4 segments for designation in this region.
To ensure that only the most economically sound water supply strategies are implemented, the plan needs to...
  • Compare the costs and benefits of the supply alternatives in a consistent and reasonable manner. This is especially important in evaluating the economic viability of the Brownsville Weir.

Case Study

Is the Brownsville Weir really needed?
View Analysis

Take Action!

Contact the Regional Group Member who represents your interest.
Contact Your Group Member

Attend a Region M group meeting. Times and locations are posted on the TWDB website.
Attend a Region M Meeting