NWF Poll Results

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Spring 2002

State Water Planning out of Sync with Texans' Beliefs

Survey commissioned by National Wildlife Federation reveals preference for conservation When it comes to meeting the state's water needs for the next fifty years, Texans prefer a much different approach than the new State Water Plan proposes.

According to a statewide poll* commissioned by the National Wildlife Federation (NWF) - and conducted by The Tarrance Group, a national polling firm, - most registered Texas voters strongly favor implementing water conservation efforts before expensive dams and pipelines are considered.

Download the Press Release:

    press_07.pdf  (Adobe PDF)

Download Overview of Poll Results:
(Download in either PDF or PowerPoint.)

    nwf_poll_results.pdf   (Adobe PDF)

    nwf_poll_results.ppt   (Microsoft PowerPoint)

Download Oversampling Poll Results:
(View in Adobe PDF)

    A Survey of Voter Attitudes
      in the Dallas/Fort Worth Region

    A Survey of Voter Attitudes
      in the Houston/Galveston Region

For additional information, or if you would like the results in other formats, contact: John Hannah, National Wildlife Federation at 512-476-9805, hannah@nwf.org.

* The poll surveyed 800 registered Texas voters between April 28th and May 2nd, 2002. It has a margin of error of + or - 3.5 percent.

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