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Managing and protecting our water resources
is one of the most critical issues facing Texas
today. As our population increases, human demands for water will grow. But we still need to ensure that there is adequate water for agriculture, industry and the environment. Decisions made now will have far reaching consequences for the livelihood of our state.
On March 11, U.S. District Court Judge Janis Graham Jack's ruled in favor of The Aransas Project, marking a significant victory for the endangered whopping crane. This lawsuit underscores the need for a more comprehensive approach to water planning and development that includes water for the environment. Read the Texas Living Waters Project's
| | | | Texas Farmland Agriculture brings in $45 billion to the Texas economy. Irrigated crops include cotton, wheat, corn, sorghum grain, hay and rice.
The and reports look at water conservation around the state.
The Texas Water Solutions blog focuses on Texas water policy
to leasing, selling or donating water rights to preserve instream flows