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Environmental Flows Process

Trinity & San Jacinto Rivers/Galveston Bay Area Stakeholder Committee Binder Contents

The Stakeholder Committee for the Trinity & San Jacinto Rivers/Galveston BayArea was appointed in July 2008. Soon after the group began meeting, the National Wildlife Federation sent the stakeholders a copy of an informational binder with the materials below. The stakeholders represent many different interests and perspectives; NWF has attempted to provide the committee with information that would be of interest to all parties, no matter their background or perspective.

All the documents are in PDF format.

Tab 1 - Letter of Introduction from NWF

Tab 2 - Stakeholder Committee Contact List

Tab 3 - The Basics of the Environmental Flows Allocation Process

Tab 4 - Senate Bill 3, Article 1

Tab 5 - Consensus Building

Tab 6 - Establishing a Science Team

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