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Water Planning

  Conference Announcement


Water 2.0: New Ideas for a Secure Water Future

This conference took place on April, 17 2009 at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center in Austin. For an overview of the conference, see materials below.

Conference Description
We're entering a new era-an era in which our pressing natural resource issues will require pioneering technical and societal innovations. As the competing demands on our water supply intensify, business as usual, based on old-school methodologies, is not an option. Creativity and ingenuity will be needed to assure a water supply that meets human needs and sustains a healthy, natural environment.

Environmental Defense Fund's 9th Annual Statewide Water Conference this year explored three innovative concepts that meet this mark.

Water-neutral New Residential and Commercial Development
What if it were possible to use new development as a means to achieve a higher standard of water use efficiency in existing communities and infrastructure? How would it work? What would it look like?

Richard Harris, Manager of Water Conservation, East Bay Municipal Utility District, California
    Audio (not available)

Discussion session moderated by Jennifer Walker, Water Resources Specialist, Lone Star Chapter of the Sierra Club with experts Jonathan Letz, Kerr County Commissioner and Clark Wilson, President & CEO, Green Builders, Inc.
    Audio (not available)

Reverse Auctions for Protecting Environmental Flows
Like many states, Texas has issued permits for significantly more surface water than is actually being used. Successfully held in Oregon and Washington State, Reverse Auctions are a way for the state to buy back unused water rights and free up water to meet changing demands and environmental needs. What's involved? What would a reverse auction achieve?

Mary E. Kelly, Senior Counsel, Environmental Defense Fund

Discussion session moderated by Susan Kaderka, Regional Executive Director, National Wildlife Federation with experts Colette Barron Bradsby, Attorney, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, and Patrick Shriver, Water Resources Planner, San Antonio Water Systems.

Energy/Water Nexus
Rarely considered in tandem, energy and water use have many intricate connections. How might efforts to slow global warming yield benefits above and beyond the obvious impacts on our climate? What water saving opportunities might stem from energy efficiency improvements or efforts to reduce carbon production? What positive impacts that might come from carbon sequestration with native grasses?

Amy Hardberger, Attorney, Environmental Defense Fund

Discussion session moderated by David Greene with experts Ronny Luhur, Carbon Markets Specialist, Environmental Defense Fund and Carey King, Research Associated, Center for International Energy and Environmental Policy, Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin

We also had a presentation by GRoWers on Green Roofs

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Water 2.0