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Water Planning

Region B

Region B
   Action Items

Water Planning

State Water Plan

Key Shortcomings

Planning Timeline

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Region B

Action Items
Here are some of the items the Region B Planning Group must address.

Conservation and Drought Management
For conservation and drought management, the plan needs to...
  • Assess current levels of municipal water conservation and recommend advanced measures.
  • Consider irrigation water conservation like installing pipelines or lining canals to reduce transmission losses or installing more efficient irrigation systems such as drip irrigation or the most efficient forms of center pivot systems. For example, the Wichita County Water Improvement District canals experience a 44% conveyance loss. The plan finds that lining the canals would be too costly at $25 million. Such a high rate of water loss, however, should provide incentive for creative funding efforts.
  • Include regional drought contingency planning. The 2001 regional plan assumes that water providers will develop individual plans.
Environmental Flows
To secure the protection of flows for fish and wildlife, the plan needs to...
  • Undertake an evaluation of environmental water needs, and acknowledge and discuss environmental impacts of all water supply strategies.
  • Include a discussion of water quality threats to natural resources. Reduction in flows can worsen existing water quality problems by reducing the dilution of pollution.
  • Discuss how proposed projects will affect the springs in the region.
  • Designate stream segments in the region that meet the criteria as having "unique ecological value". No segments were designated in the 2001 regional plan. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department recommends 3 segments for designation in this region.
To ensure that only the most economically sound water supply strategies are implemented, the plan needs to...
  • Compare the costs and benefits of the supply alternatives in a consistent and reasonable manner.

Take Action!

Contact the Regional Group Member who represents your interest.
Contact Your Group Member

Attend a Region B group meeting. Times and locations are posted on the TWDB website.
Attend a Region B Meeting